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*(Verse 1)* Another year, another farce, With dreams dumped in the trash, We've got a gaffer who's hopeless, Couldn't manage a pub with cash. Tactics duller than dishwater, football's a bloody bore, He couldn’t find his arse with both hands, He’s a clueless dinosaur. *(Pre-Chorus)* The Lionesses roar, they play with fire and might, But our lads are like toddlers, can’t even win a fight. *(Chorus)* Oh, the Three Lions fucked it up again, Just like they always do. Since '66, it’s been a joke, my friend, We’re always feeling blue. Oh, the Three Lions fucked it up again, Eleven wankers on the pitch. More interested in shagging birds, Than playing for the kits. *(Verse 2)* They prance around like morons, All talentless and thick, Arrogant and overpaid, It’s the same old tired shtick. Remember Bobby Moore, and those legends from '66, They played with guts and glory, Not these modern-day pricks. *(Pre-Chorus)* The Lionesses show the pride, they make us all believe, But our boys just embarrass us, every time they leave. *(Chorus)* Oh, the Three Lions fucked it up again, Just like they always do. Since '66, it’s been a laughable end, We’re always feeling blue. Oh, the Three Lions fucked it up again, Eleven wankers on the pitch. More interested in shagging birds, Than playing for the kits. *(Bridge)* We watch with hope each summer, But it’s always the same flop, They promise us the glory, Then bellyflop and drop. Incompetence in motion, A manager with no clue, We’re dreaming of a victory, But it's something they can't do. *(Chorus)* Oh, the Three Lions fucked it up again, Just like they always do. Since '66, it’s been a joke, my friend, We’re always feeling blue. Oh, the Three Lions fucked it up again, Eleven wankers on the pitch. More interested in shagging birds, Than playing for the kits. *(Outro)* The Three Lions fucked it up again, When will we see the day? That they play with pride and glory, And stop this silly play. The Three Lions fucked it up again, It’s the same old bloody song, Here’s to hoping for tomorrow, When they might prove us wrong.