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In a quaint little town, where the sunsets glow, By a murmuring brook where the wildflowers grow, There’s a porch swing swaying with the softest sigh, And memories drift like clouds in the sky. In the whispers of the heart, where time stands still, Through the laughter and the tears, love’s sweet thrill, We find our path, through joy and pain, In the whispers of the heart, love will remain. Grandpa’s old guitar, with strings of gold, Played the symphony of dreams, tales of old, Mama’s lullabies, under velvet skies, Cradled us with promises that never die. In the whispers of the heart, where time stands still, Through the laughter and the tears, love’s sweet thrill, We find our path, through joy and pain, In the whispers of the heart, love will remain. First love’s tender kiss, on a moonlit shore, Hands entwined, wishing time would stop once more, Yet seasons changed, and we had to part, Left with only echoes in a yearning heart. In the whispers of the heart, where time stands still, Through the laughter and the tears, love’s sweet thrill, We find our path, through joy and pain, In the whispers of the heart, love will remain. Life’s winding road, with its peaks and bends, Carving stories with no clear ends, But with faith’s embrace, and love’s sweet song, In the whispers of the heart, we’re forever strong. In the whispers of the heart, where time stands still, Through the laughter and the tears, love’s sweet thrill, We find our path, through joy and pain, In the whispers of the heart, love will remain. When winter’s chill wraps the earth in white, And the fire’s glow brings warmth to the night, We gather close, with stories to share, In the whispers of the heart, love’s always there. In the whispers of the heart, where time stands still, Through the laughter and the tears, love’s sweet thrill, We find our path, through joy and pain, In the whispers of the heart, love will remain. When shadows fall and the day is done, With the last light of the setting sun, We find comfort in the night’s embrace, In the whispers of the heart, we find our place. In the whispers of the heart, where time stands still, Through the laughter and the tears, love’s sweet thrill, We find our path, through joy and pain, In the whispers of the heart, love will remain. As twilight fades, and night softly calls, We remember those in moonlit halls, For in the end, it’s love’s soft refrain, In the whispers of the heart, it will sustain. In the whispers of the heart, where time stands still, Through the laughter and the tears, love’s sweet thrill, We find our path, through joy and pain, In the whispers of the heart, love will remain. With symphonic grace and memories dear, To moments that time can’t erase, so clear, For in each beat, and in every part, We find ourselves in the whispers of the heart.