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frenchies abc’s

frenchies abc’s
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frenchies abc’s

Frenchie the bulldog, he's so smart, Helping kids learn from the very start. With a wag of his tail and a joyful bark, Frenchie makes learning a walk in the park. Frenchie says, “A” is for apple, so red and sweet, “B” is for ball that rolls down the street. “C” is for cat, who loves to nap, Frenchie the bulldog gives a happy clap. Frenchie the bulldog, he's so smart, Helping kids learn from the very start. With a wag of his tail and a joyful bark, Frenchie makes learning a walk in the park. “D” is for dog, like me, Frenchie, “E” is for elephant, big and free. “F” is for frog, who hops so high, Frenchie the bulldog gives a joyful cry. Frenchie the bulldog, he's so smart, Helping kids learn from the very start. With a wag of his tail and a joyful bark, Frenchie makes learning a walk in the park. “G” is for goat, who loves to bleat, “H” is for hat that’s really neat. “I” is for igloo, cold and round, Frenchie the bulldog dances around. Frenchie the bulldog, he's so smart, Helping kids learn from the very start. With a wag of his tail and a joyful bark, Frenchie makes learning a walk in the park. “J” is for jelly, sweet and jiggly, “K” is for kite, flying so wiggly. “L” is for lion, strong and brave, Frenchie helps kids learn and save the day. Frenchie the bulldog, he's so smart, Helping kids learn from the very start. With a wag of his tail and a joyful bark, Frenchie makes learning a walk in the park. “M” is for monkey, swinging from trees, “N” is for nest, where birds find peace. “O” is for octopus, under the sea, Frenchie the bulldog learns with glee. Frenchie the bulldog, he's so smart, Helping kids learn from the very start. With a wag of his tail and a joyful bark, Frenchie makes learning a walk in the park. “P” is for panda, eating bamboo, “Q” is for queen, with a crown so true. “R” is for rainbow, colorful and bright, Frenchie makes learning feel just right. Frenchie the bulldog, he's so smart, Helping kids learn from the very start. With a wag of his tail and a joyful bark, Frenchie makes learning a walk in the park. “S” is for sun, shining all day, “T” is for train, chugging away. “U” is for umbrella, keeping us dry, Frenchie the bulldog reaches for the sky. Frenchie the bulldog, he's so smart, Helping kids learn from the very start. With a wag of his tail and a joyful bark, Frenchie makes learning a walk in the park. “V” is for violin, playing a tune, “W” is for whale, under the moon. “X” is for xylophone, making a sound, “Y” is for yawn, when bedtime comes around. Frenchie the bulldog, he's so smart, Helping kids learn from the very start. With a wag of his tail and a joyful bark, Frenchie makes learning a walk