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Cyber Troubadour

Cyber Troubadour
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Cyber Troubadour

[Verse] Highways light up in neon glow, Bluetooth speakers let the rhythm flow, Out in the fields with a satellite's beam, Livin' the dream in a digital stream. [Verse 2] Tractors roll, WiFi waves abound, Cowboy hats 'n VR all around, Robots harvest while the cattle graze, Tech and tradition in a high-speed daze. [Chorus] I'm a cyber troubadour, ridin' the code, Out on the cyber range, where the gigabytes load, Singin' ancient ballads with a futuristic chord, Blending wires and wheat with a digital sword. [Verse] Dust and pixels in the desert air, Glitch and groove make a perfect pair, Moonlight dances off a drone's wing, Life on the frontier, it's a high-tech thing. [Verse 2] Silicon sunsets in an endless scroll, Binary stars in a cosmic brawl, Whiskey in one hand, smartphone in the other, Unitin' cowfolk like digital brothers. [Chorus] I'm a cyber troubadour, technology's son, Strumming strings of data till the song is done, From Appalachia to the Milky Way's lore, Sendin' melodies through the cyber store.