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Never Left the Frame

Never Left the Frame
0:00 / 3:18

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Never Left the Frame

[Verse] In a diner 'round midnight, stars up in the sky, Coffee cups and old love, tears you try to hide. Dreams of running far, searching for another song, But in this small-town canvas, you've been here all along. [Verse 2] Fields of corn and quiet streams, your footprints remain, Even when you wander, they echo through the rain. Neighbors whisper stories ‘bout the life you gave, You can't vanish from a heart that's been saved. [Chorus] If you think no one will miss you when you're gone, you're wrong, You think you're not in the picture, but you never left the frame. Every line you spoke, every laugh, every cry, It's all there in countless hearts, woven tight and strong. If you think no one will miss you when you're gone, you're wrong, You think you're not in the picture, but you never left the frame. [Verse 3] Old barn doors and fishing poles, sunsets so divine, Memories in the porch swing, sipping cherry wine. Your shadow crossed the seasons, your name's in every tune, Can't erase the traces, where sunflowers bloom. [Chorus] If you think no one will miss you when you're gone, you're wrong, You think you're not in the picture, but you never left the frame. Every line you spoke, every laugh, every cry, It's all there in countless hearts, woven tight and strong. If you think no one will miss you when you're gone, you're wrong, You think you're not in the picture, but you never left the frame. [Bridge] Time may try to fade, but roots dig deeper still, Loving hands that shaped us, tender hearts you fill. They say goodbye ain't forever, it's a moment, not the end, You're a timeless piece of this place, you'll always be our friend.