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Natural Pouch

Natural Pouch
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Natural Pouch

[Verse] In a field where the wildflowers dance, There's a deer gently grazing by chance, She carries her fawn with pure grace, In her natural pouch, a safe space. [Verse 2] Down by the old wooden bridge, Where the creek’s like a mother’s heart pledge, A kangaroo hops with her joey so tight, In her natural pouch, day and night. [Chorus] Oh, life's got a natural pouch, Holding on tight when the world's feeling crouched, In the arms of the earth, we find peace, In life's natural pouch, our worries cease. [Verse 3] Grandma’s quilt wraps me warm in her style, It's like a hug that stretches a mile, Her memories stitched with love, no doubt, In her natural pouch, I feel stout. [Verse 4] On the back porch where summer nights sing, Under stars where the fireflies cling, Dad tells a story with a voice that's loud, In his words, I find a natural pouch, so proud. [Bridge] We all need a place to feel free, Where the heart can just be, In the folds of life’s tender touch, We rest in a natural pouch, so much.