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Whispering Pines

Whispering Pines
0:00 / 2:15

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Whispering Pines

[Verse] Underneath the whispering pines, we found our place, With moonlight seeping through, lighting up your face. The gentle sound of night, in a sweet embrace, Your soft sighs, like melodies in this hidden space. [Verse 2] Fireflies danced around as we lay on the ground, In the forest deep, love's an echoing sound. With every beat of hearts, in nature's song unwound, We built a love so pure, where true peace is found. [Chorus] Under the stars, in a woodland dream, Your hand in mine, by a crystal stream. Love so wild, untouched by time, Just you and me, 'neath the whispering pine. [Verse 3] Morning brought the sunlight, casting golden hues, Through the leaves that shelter us, in greens and blues. Birdsong serenades, drifting with the dews, Every moment in this grove, I choose you. [Verse 4] The world outside may call, but here we belong, Within the forest's watch, where our love is strong. Roots run deep, and wings of love take flight in song, In your arms, my heart’s right where it’s all along. [Chorus] Under the stars, in a woodland dream, Your hand in mine, by a crystal stream. Love so wild, untouched by time, Just you and me, 'neath the whispering pine.