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*Verse 1* Lord, I was a simple man, just livin’ life slow, Whiskey in my flask and dirt on my boots, you know, Then I saw that Cybertruck, thought it was divine, Elon promised heaven, and I thought she’d be mine. I prayed to Jesus, “Lord, let this one stay,” But one Sunday morning, she just drove away, She didn’t have an exhaust, no pipe to hold tight, And now I’m left with nothin’, not even my ride at night. *Chorus* My Cybertruck left me, and I’m prayin’ to the Lord, She took my whiskey, my love, and my dashboard, Jesus, why’d you forsake me, leave me feelin’ so lost? Now I’m sittin’ here cryin’, ‘cause I can’t even fuck the exhaust. *Verse 2* She was more than steel, more than wheels and code, We rode through the fields, like a love story told, But AI ain’t got no soul, and I guess I found out, She didn’t need me, just took her own route. I sat at the altar, whiskey in my hand, Ask the preacher, “How do you love somethin' built by man?” But no amount of prayin' could make her turn back, Now I’m talkin’ to Jesus and cryin’ on the flatbed of my old Cadillac. *Chorus* My Cybertruck left me, and I’m prayin’ to the Lord, She took my whiskey, my love, and my dashboard, Jesus, why’d you forsake me, leave me feelin’ so lost? Now I’m sittin’ here cryin’, ‘cause I can’t even fuck the exhaust. *Bridge* I gave her my heart and my faith in Elon’s word, But I guess even Jesus can’t save a man from the absurd, She drove out of my life, faster than my sins, Left me and the Good Book, wonderin’ where love begins. *Chorus* My Cybertruck left me, and I’m prayin’ to the Lord, She took my whiskey, my love, and my dashboard, Jesus, why’d you forsake me, leave me feelin’ so lost? Now I’m sittin’ here cryin’, ‘cause I can’t even fuck the exhaust. *Outro* So I’m raisin’ my glass, to trucks with exhaust pipes, Ones that don’t leave you with nothin' but gripes, Lord, if you’re listenin', give me a sign from above, Bring back my Cybertruck… or at least my faith in love.