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*(Verse 1)* Oh, Lee Anderson, you Neanderthal, Every time you speak, it’s a brain-dead brawl, You say a family can live on 30p, But mate, you're living in a fantasy. Got kicked from Labour, too racist for them, Then joined the Tories, like a pig in its pen, But even they think you’ve gone too far, You fat wanker, you're no shining star! *(Chorus)* Lee Anderson, you’re a proper disgrace, Uneducated fuckwit, a total waste of space! With your 30p dinners and your racist views, You’re the joke that just keeps giving us the blues! *(Verse 2)* You said 30p could feed a home, But all that proves is you're thick as stone, You talk down to folk, pretend you're wise, But all we hear are racist lies. Booted out of Labour for talking shit, Now in the Tories, where you still don’t fit, You’ve been a wanker from day one, Mate, you're a mess, and that’s half the fun! *(Chorus)* Lee Anderson, you’re a proper disgrace, Uneducated fuckwit, a total waste of space! With your 30p dinners and your racist views, You’re the joke that just keeps giving us the blues! *(Bridge)* Thrown out of Labour for running your gob, Now you’re the Tories’ problem slob, But even they think you're a total clown, Mate, no one wants you around this town! *(Verse 3)* You say 30p’s enough for a meal, But your brain’s as empty as it feels, You’re a fat fucking wanker, loud and proud, But all you do is draw a stupid crowd. Got no place in politics, that’s for sure, Your racist crap we can’t endure, So here’s a song for you, big Lee, A Neanderthal, as thick as can be! *(Final Chorus)* Lee Anderson, you’re a proper disgrace, Uneducated fuckwit, a total waste of space! With your 30p dinners and your racist views, You’re the joke that just keeps giving us the blues! -