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Grandma's Mountain Whispers

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Grandma's Mountain Whispers
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Grandma's Mountain Whispers

[Verse] Rolling hills and winding roads, where memories reside, Grandma's porch, a wooden throne, her voice our loving guide, She'd tell us tales of misty peaks and rivers running free, A world unfurling in her words, as wild as it could be. [Verse 2] High school days and fleeting loves, we thought would never end, Sneaking out to kiss beneath the moon, my heart you'd always mend, Gran's advice in kitchen light, she knew just what to say, "Love's a journey, not a race; you'll find your way someday." [Chorus] Oh, those mountains whisper stories of old, Echoes of love and lessons she's told, In her arms, I find my strength and my grace, Grandma's mountain whispers, they’re my safe place. [Verse 3] Exes fade like autumn leaves beneath the maple tree, We chase new dreams, we mend our hearts, and set our spirits free, Gran's laughter flows like creeks below, so pure, so sweet and bright, Her wisdom lights the darkest path, her smile's a guiding light. [Bridge] When skies turned gray and hope grew thin, I'd climb that ridge so high, The world below, her gentle voice a lullaby, "Keep your faith and trust the winds to guide you through the night, For every dawn, a brand-new day, with chances shining bright." [Verse 4] Now I stand on mountains' edge, her love still in my heart, Though she's gone, her lessons weave through every work of art, In dreams I hear her whisper low, just like she did before, "Live with love and mountain strength, forevermore."