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Time to Move On

Time to Move On
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Time to Move On

[Verse] Spent too many nights alone beneath the moon, Thinking 'bout you and that old country tune, But stars don't fall for dreamers standing still, It's time to find my way, find my own will. [Verse 2] I drove past your house, where we used to dance, Now it's just a shell of a faded romance, The porch light’s off, and the music's all gone, I see the sign, baby, it's time to move on. [Chorus] Time to move on, from the dreams that I chased, I wasted my heart, but it ain't goin' to waste, Gonna find a new path, where the real love will stay, Got my boots on the ground, and I'm heading that way. [Verse 3] The bar's closing down, and the jukebox is quiet, I’ll be alright, no need to start a riot, Love's a winding road, full of twists and turns, From all these lessons, it's my soul that learns. [Verse 4] Your smile once lit the whole damn room, Now it fades like the ghost of last June, I'm better now, with each dawn’s early light, Ready for a future that’s honest and bright. [Chorus] Time to move on, from the dreams that I chased, I wasted my heart, but it ain't goin' to waste, Gonna find a new path, where the real love will stay, Got my boots on the ground, and I'm heading that way.