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The Ballad of Parker Hamm

The Ballad of Parker Hamm
0:00 / 1:42

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The Ballad of Parker Hamm

[Verse] Parker Hamm, villain in the shadows, no friends, always solo Strict folks rule his roost, hides pain behind bravado This track, decimation, words like bullets to his ego He thought he ran the game, now crumbling, tornado [Verse 2] Mom and dad on his case, every day, suffocation Perfect son façade, crumbling in isolation No homies in his corner, just his mind’s desolation We the new rulers now, toppling his domination [Chorus] Parker Hamm, your reign’s at end, crumble in the dark Words sharper than a blade, splitting through your heart Ghost town entourage, haunted by your past mistakes Strict parents, empty friends, your empire fades away [Verse 3] School yard tyrant, now exposed, no more masks or lies Tales of terror severed, truth cuts through the sky Shattered his illusion, watch his confidence demise Echoes of our rhymes, his end, no reprise [Verse 4] Alone in his room, echoes loud, oppressive rule No love, no cheers, just a solitary duel Banished from the throne, expelled from the cruel Our lyrics sealed his fate, he’s merely a tool [Bridge] Rumors fed on silence, we turned volume to eleven Strict parents kept him bound, no passage to heaven This song, condemnation, words sharp, unleashed the venom Parker Hamm, just a name now, story of a phantasm