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It started as a dream, four decades ago, A place where ideas spark and talents grow. From the laughter in the halls to the lessons learned, Through every challenge faced, our passion burned. Forty years of moments, memories we’ve made, At Fransciscuss School, where every heart’s displayed. Together we have built a legacy so bright, Guiding futures forward, through the day and night. From the first bell ringing, to the final cheer, We’ve celebrated triumphs, confronted every fear. Teachers and the students, hand in hand we stand, Learning from each other, a united band. Forty years of moments, memories we’ve made, At Fransciscuss School, where every heart’s displayed. Together we have built a legacy so bright, Guiding futures forward, through the day and night. Pass the torch of knowledge, let it light the way, In every single classroom, where dreams will never sway. Side by side together, we’re stronger than before, With every generation, we’re ready to explore. Forty years of moments, memories we’ve made, At Fransciscuss School, where every heart’s displayed. Together we have built a legacy so bright, Guiding futures forward, through the day and night. So here’s to all the laughter, the lessons, and the tears, To the friendships that have blossomed over all these years. At Fransciscuss School, our spirit will remain, Celebrating forty years, a journey we’ll sustain.