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Where We Stand

Where We Stand
0:00 / 2:26

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Where We Stand

[Verse] Morning light creepin' through the blinds, Just like our love, it's hard to find. One day you’re sweet, the next you’re wild, Changing like seasons, unpredictable child. [Verse 2] We're like a yo-yo, up and down, Never know if you’ll stick around. Our love's a rollercoaster ride, Holdin' on tight, nothing to hide. [Chorus] Guess I don’t know where we stand, Like shifting sand in your hand. We keep going off and on, Like the dusk before the dawn. Our love’s a seesaw, back and forth, Like a storm headin' north. Guess I don’t know where we stand, Are we lost or are we found? [Verse 3] Like a river that bends and twists, Our love's a maze I can’t resist. One moment we’re fire, burnin’ high, Next we’re ice, cold goodbye. [Chorus] Guess I don’t know where we stand, Like shifting sand in your hand. We keep going off and on, Like the dusk before the dawn. Our love’s a seesaw, back and forth, Like a storm headin' north. Guess I don’t know where we stand, Are we lost or are we found? [Bridge] We’re a puzzle with pieces missin’, A melody without rhythm. Caught between the spark and flame, In this crazy, love-struck game.