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Better Days Ahead

Better Days Ahead
0:00 / 2:09

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Better Days Ahead

[Verse 1] I used to drag my boots through the mud, In a small town with a heart of flood. But I pulled myself out of the storm, With strength and love, I've been reborn. [Verse 2] The scars I wore, they're fading now, Each day a step beyond the plow. I'm dancing high beneath the sun, Past the hurt, and on the run. [Chorus] Better days are calling, can't you see? The past is gone, it's history. I've healed my wounds, I've moved along, Stronger now, I've found my song. [Verse 3] The nights were long, with tears I'd cry, But now I watch the stars go by. Their light reminds me I've survived, The future's bright, I'm feeling alive. [Verse 4] My heartbeats sure, my soul's on fire, Full throttle, climbing higher. I've let go of all that pain, Now love and peace, they're mine to gain. [Chorus] Better days are calling, can't you see? The past is gone, it's history. I've healed my wounds, I've moved along, Stronger now, I've found my song.