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Erase the Past

Erase the Past
0:00 / 2:47

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Erase the Past

[Verse] Broken glass spread like diamonds Streets filled with whispered lies Echoes of forgotten moments Choked by the dawn's cruel disguise [Verse 2] Rust and dust on memories Ghosts in the fractured wall Pasts rise like twisted phantoms Watching every stumble and fall [Chorus] Erase the past Find the light Outrun shadows Endless night [Verse 3] Carry scars can't be seen Every breath a wounded prayer Searching through the creeping fog Dreams caught trapped in despair [Verse 4] Cracks show in the fading sky Hope drips down like rain Building futures brick by brick From the ash of silent pain [Bridge] Burn the old maps find a way In this night turn to day New paths in the broken earth Each step rebirth