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Gone Too Soon

Gone Too Soon
0:00 / 3:21

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Gone Too Soon

[Verse] In the shadow of the pine, we carved our names, You and me, we dreamed like wild flames. Summer nights by the old train tracks, Memories dance, but you ain't coming back. [Verse 2] Your laugh still echoes in the morning dew, Reminds me of the fire that I found in you. Life’s too short, but love felt so strong, Even though you’re gone, I keep holding on. [Chorus] Gone too soon, but I don’t regret, Every smile, every tear, I won’t forget. You were my sunrise in the darkest night, Love's still burning, even out of sight. [Verse 3] We talked about forever by the riverside, Held your hand through the lows and highs. Saw a shooting star, wished you’d stay. Your life was short, but love doesn't fade away. [Verse 4] Flowers on your grave, I still visit there, Whispering secrets into empty air. Every word and every kiss, Left a mark that I dearly miss. [Chorus] Gone too soon, but I don’t regret, Every smile, every tear, I won’t forget. You were my sunrise in the darkest night, Love's still burning, even out of sight.