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nsbc track 3

nsbc track 3
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nsbc track 3

Walking into school like a normal girl youve thought? well not. I am the loser with the backstory with no dad, but a mom. Walking through the halls is a nightmare when I see them.. the school bullies.. Is this a safe place? oh no.. oh hell no! the first thing I see, was the faces of those school bullies, will I survive? Will I survive this nightmare? I walk into school, trip and get laughed at. Will my life ever change? Can I trust others if I try my best? what if not.. I get pushed around...! laughed at. "Katie!" someone yells and spills their water. What do I do? Will this ever end? Ever end....... Elementary.. Middle.. and now Highschool.. Always got bullied! and pushed around... I am insecure about myself! what do I do? Do I stand up for myself?! What should I do, Oh please someone in this school.. I always get used as wallet or a punching bag.. help.. oh please help.. Will my life ever change? ever change.... EVER CHANGE.... EVER CHANGE.....