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Happy Birthday Kawsar

Happy Birthday Kawsar
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Happy Birthday Kawsar

[Verse] In a small town where the fields are green, We gather ‘round for a special scene. Kawsar's day, it's come at last, Candlelight and memories from the past. [Verse 2] We baked a cake and strung up lights, Friends from far and near dropped by. Gathered here beneath the stars, To celebrate Kawsar, near and far. [Chorus] Happy birthday Kawsar, happy birthday to you, May your days be bright, and your skies be blue. Here's to laughter, love, and dreams come true, Happy birthday Kawsar, happy birthday to you. [Verse 3] Grandma plays her fiddle, toes tapping on the floor, While old friends and new ones fill the porch. The crickets sing a serenade, As we drink a toast to a life well made. [Verse 4] The bonfire crackles, casting golden light, As stories of youth take flight. Kawsar smiles through the joy and cheer, Surrounded by those who hold him dear. [Chorus] Happy birthday Kawsar, happy birthday to you, May your days be bright, and your skies be blue. Here's to laughter, love, and dreams come true, Happy birthday Kawsar, happy birthday to you.