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Saint of the Heartland

Saint of the Heartland
0:00 / 2:15

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Saint of the Heartland

[Verse] A saintly figure with a heart of gold, John Bosco, a name forever to be told. He saw the future in the young and poor, Dedicated his life to their noble door. [Verse 2] In the dusty streets where the shadows play, He saw young souls just wasting away. With open arms, he gathered them near, Whispering hope, dispelling their fear. [Chorus] Oh, John Bosco, guardian so true, With every heartbeat, he'd always renew. In the heartland, where dreams unfold, Your story remains, forever told. [Verse 3] In humble towns, his legend grew, Small acts of kindness that everyone knew. A tutor, a mentor, a guiding light, Bringing dawn to the darkest night. [Verse 4] By fields of green and rivers wide, Children found a brother at their side. Through games and laughter, lessons were spun, Teaching them all till the day was done. [Chorus] Oh, John Bosco, guardian so true, With every heartbeat, he'd always renew. In the heartland, where dreams unfold, Your story remains, forever told.