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[Intsrumental ] Oh 1, 2 ,3. Keep your feet on the beat Dance all along with all the smiley faces on show oooh Oh 1,2,3! Free the way to the devil he has arrived here!, he is gonna speak his special speech All the lullaby of color and shine , you are just blind to the devil's speech Oooh yeah My words tip toe to little ears, working like an engineers building up the new thoughts with the devil's speak.. AHAHAHA Ooooh the spotlight i took! The little hotlines i never held, dont you see? It is in my hand! Walking on the red carpet with my head all high, stepping on their faces because it will never be in my way (standing on stage, looking out for everyone, some of them laughing and some of them clapping) but they dont know the speak of the devil is in here Walking down stairs giving them my red look its like a slaughter about to happen..did you think you are living in the heaven? Oh honey better run for your life because i will never let go of your throat until i see your line fade away (Evil Laughter) AHAHAHA! Oh my devil sign! Will show soon before letting anyone know! Dont you know? I was the devil all time along! I've known all the lies you treasured for me but no honey i dont fit in your small holes! Go on hide flee away Because im about to start the show! [Instrumental] (Bow before me because you might be not able to come back.. hehe) (Oh i see your eyes.. going all the directions.. searching for an excuse to escape my distractions.. oh honey dont you worry...) i always come back...! [Pause] Oh my devil sign! Will you ever show? Im kinda hungry for so many souls! My devil sign! Dont you see? (Is that what you believe? All the money and shows! They are all temporary dust would blow away) Oh my devil sign.. just wait and you see... [Intsrumental [Rap- japanese] 私の目を見て 墓の間にあなたの運命が見える、みんな死んで色あせている ああ、素敵、聞こえないの? 地獄の底からあなたを近づけようと呼びかけているのはあなたの友達よ! 悪魔のささやき、それが奇跡だとわからないの?不可能なこと…悪意もあるけど、あなたの運命を見ないで、あなたの手にあるこの金がすべて踊ってあなたの名前を称えているのを見てください 私のささやきに耳を傾けなければ、あなたはパズルを生き延びるでしょう…ちょっとした騒ぎ? ああ、私が作ったものを見てください (Verse-1 English) Oh look at me all high up in the heaven sky! They think me im their savior,their forgiver, their angel when they dont know im speak of the devil! Ooh yeah! My devil sign! Raise me up high in the sky!! Oooh my devil sign! Let the people get blind! Oh my dear devil sign... Let the people get blind [End]