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Saint James Sunshine

Saint James Sunshine
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Saint James Sunshine

[Verse] Out on the edge of old Baytown, Where the sunsets tuck the light down, Saint James House, where hearts are gold, Life ain't done, it's just unfold. [Verse 2] Afternoon dancing in the hall, Johnny's strummin' that ol' guitar, Buddies chucklin' ’bout the past, Still kickin’ up some honest laughs. [Chorus] Raise your hands, it's a brand new day, Saint James House, we're here to stay, Got the smiles, got the stories too, Living big in these ol' shoes. [Verse 3] Betty bakes the finest pies, Heaven in every slice, Grandpa’s yarns ‘bout love and war, Keep the young folks askin’ for more. [Verse 4] Mornin’ walks ‘neath the Texan sky, Life’s grand, don't let it pass you by, In these halls, love’s all around, In Saint James, happiness is found. [Chorus] Raise your hands, it's a brand new day, Saint James House, we're here to stay, Got the smiles, got the stories too, Living big in these ol' shoes.