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cool rap

cool rap
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cool rap

[verse] Yuh Agrawal on the beat type shit Shoutout to Lil Gopi Yuh nickers yuh nickers yuh yuh [verse] that little nicka sohum his short ass dick can’t cum shoutout to my nickas back in Harlem if my opps come imma show them this bitchass nicker cheater always sucking other wieners this chiggas so fucking gay he bought a dildo off e-bay [verse] Hey Uttamchandani Imma come after your ancestry don’t ever pull up to my block cuz yo ass gon get shot he keeps cheating but still gets cooked gourmet run laps around his dumbass like its a fucking freeway clipped this niggas ass somebody come and get me the replay if his ass cheats again imma call up RJ [verse] sohum cheated his way into JMO ryan beat his ass and then some mo' nicker got 3 on JMO this chigga thinks hes a pro Aye who’s that girl you talking to in calc class? why you staring at your desk pussy bitchass? You got 3 on JMO and you thought it was world-class? Stop fucking around and go touch some grass Yuh Aye Yuh Aye yuh aye Yuh aye [verse] Go back to MV cuz that’s where you belong Don’t make me drop a sequel to this fucking song Everyday in class you’re stroking your shlong Fuck around some more and yo family will be gone there aint nothing special bout you bitch you aint fucking rare do your mom a favor and fly back to india dont worry ill pay airfare got you an officer position i guess ur mom really does care stole all ur answers bitch dont you think thats a tad bit unfair [outro] Yuh type shit Don’t make us drop the sequel nicka