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[Verse] The sun dips low over the golden fields, The breeze whispers soft, secret it won't reveal, I been waitin' all day, watchin' the time, 'Cause tonight I get to hold that hand of mine. [Verse 2] The crickets start singin' as the stars slowly climb, In this small-town world, you're my favorite rhyme, The porch light's glowin', your shadow appears, Today I get to hold my baby near. [Chorus] In my arms tonight, everything feels right, Just you and me, underneath the moonlight, Your heartbeat next to mine, life slows down, In my arms tonight, love's the only sound. [Verse 3] The world fades away, just you and me stand, In the hush of the night, I savor this grand, Moments with you, they make my heart sing, Holding you close, you’re my everything. [Verse 4] Through highways and byways, life's winding roads, It's your love, darling, that forever upholds, Every time we kiss, feels like the first time, With you in my arms, all is sublime. [Chorus] In my arms tonight, everything feels right, Just you and me, underneath the moonlight, Your heartbeat next to mine, life slows down, In my arms tonight, love's the only sound.