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jw in the dms

jw in the dms
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jw in the dms

*(Verse 1)* Well, John Wallace was his name, Worked hard atAmazon RME, playin’ the game. But one day he got that call on channel 4, “Pack it up, son, you ain't here at all.” Rumors swirling, they’re talkin’ real loud, Said I scared the office with my crazy crowd. Sent some texts that weren’t so nice, Now I’m sittin’ here, payin’ the price. *(Chorus)* JW in the DMs, that’s the story of my life, Scared his lady coworkers, cut like a knife. Lost his job, lost his pride, In a world of chaos, guess he can’t hide. Oh, he just wanted my wings, hot and fried, Now he singin’ the blues, nowhere to confide. *(Verse 2)* Remember those days, lunch he got them Chili's, Nashville hot wings, man, they gave him chills. The smell of that spice, sauce drippin’ down, Now it’s just memories in this empty mezzanine desk. Thought he was slick on the slack, just trying to fit it in, But the laughter turned to silence with just one click of sin. So I sat there, dancin’ my fingers on my phone, Now all he got is regret and this old DMs. *(Verse 2)* Remember those days, lunch he got them Chili's, Nashville hot wings, man, they gave him chills. The smell of that spice, sauce drippin’ down, Now it’s just memories in this empty mezzanine desk. Thought he was slick on the slack, just trying to fit it in, But the laughter turned to silence with just one click of sin. So I sat there, dancin’ my fingers on my phone, Now all I’ve got is regret and this old stone cold throne. *(Chorus)* JW in the DMs, that’s the story of his demise. Scared my coworkers, cut like a knife. Lost his job, lost his pride, In a world of chaos, guess he can’t hide. Oh, He just wanted my wings, hot and fried, with a side of some Fanny. Now he singin’ the blues, nowhere to confide. Guess I learned the hard way, don’t mess with the package flow, But I still crave those wings, oh how they used to glow. If you answer the DM all you read is. *(Outro)* So here I am, just me and my thoughts, With a side of heartbreak and a plate of what I bought. Gonna take these lessons, try to mend my ways, But I’ll always remember those chili-flavored days. John Wallace in the shadows, learning to breathe, Just a man who fell hard, trying to believe.