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Our Little Boy is Growing Up Fast

Our Little Boy is Growing Up Fast
0:00 / 3:33

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Our Little Boy is Growing Up Fast

[Verse] Got a picture of him, five years old, Ridin' his red bike down the gravel road, With a smile as wide as a Texas sky, Dirt on his knees, but he was ready to fly. [Verse 2] Then he got his first truck, with a broken tail light, Worked at the diner pourin' coffee all night, Saved his money, bought a ring in a blue box, Next thing you know, he was chasin' wedding bells and clocks. [Chorus] Our little boy is growing up fast, From a couple scraped knees to the man of the hour, Time flies by, like a runaway blast, Holdin' memories that feel just like ours, Oh, our little boy is growin' up fast. [Verse 3] Now he’s wearin’ a suit, with a brand-new tie, Got a job in the city, wavein’ goodbye, A suitcase packed with dreams and plans, From our farm fields to the land of skyscrapers and sands. [Verse 4] We still see him in the yard, with that baseball mitt, The band-aids on his elbows from every little hit, Now he’s got a family, kids of his own, Teachin’ them the values that they were shown. [Chorus] Our little boy is growing up fast, From a couple scraped knees to the man of the hour, Time flies by, like a runaway blast, Holdin' memories that feel just like ours, Oh, our little boy is growin' up fast.