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Our Little Boy is Growing Up Fast

Our Little Boy is Growing Up Fast
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Our Little Boy is Growing Up Fast

[Verse] Rocking chairs under a painted sky, We used to dream with stars in our eyes, That little bundle wrapped so tight, Now he's grown, and the time’s taken flight. [Verse 2] First steps on that old hardwood floor, Little hands knocking on the door, From toy cars to driving at last, Oh how our little boy is growing up fast. [Chorus] Lullabies and bedtime stories, Trading for new and grown-up glories, From his first words to making friends, Oh, where did our baby days end? [Verse 3] Sunday mornings, teaching him to fish, Hopes and dreams in every birthday wish, From school plays to graduation day, The years, like whispers, just fade away. [Bridge] From scraped knees to kisses goodnight, Every tear, each joy, feels so right, We watch him soar, heart’s clinging to the past, Our little boy is growing up so fast. [Verse 4] A hat tossed in celebration air, He’ll leave one day, I’ll stand and stare, Chasing futures, the die’s been cast, Holding memories while they last.