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To Roderick!

To Roderick!
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To Roderick!

(Verse 1) In the halls of Salisbury Castle, where knights once stood, Lies a sorrow deep, in the heart of the wood. Earl Roderick, our lord, so brave and so bold, Taken by Saxon magic, a tale to be told. (Chorus) To Earl Roderick, our leader so true, With his laughter and wit, we raise a toast to you. Gone from our sight, but in our hearts you'll stay, Forever cherished, in every knight's way. (Verse 2) Oh, how we miss him, his laughter and jest, In the feasts and the battles, he was always the best. A cup raised high, in his honor we sing, For Earl Roderick, beneath the sky's wing. (Bridge) Through battles he led us, with courage untold, In the shadow of legends, his spirit was bold. Now his seat lies empty, his armor laid down, But his memory shines, in the castle and town. (Verse 3) His legacy echoes in Salisbury's halls, Where his voice once rang out, within castle walls. To Earl Roderick, our lord and our guide, In our hearts forever, by Salisbury’s side. (Verse 4) And we'll raise a cheer, though our hearts do lament, For Silchester, the foe, whom we truly resent. In Earl Roderick’s absence, our resolve does grow, To defend Salisbury, against Silchester’s woe. (Chorus) To Earl Roderick, our leader so true, With his laughter and wit, we raise a toast to you. Gone from our sight, but in our hearts you'll stay, Forever cherished, in every knight's way. (Outro) So here’s to Earl Roderick, in realms afar, Where his spirit shines bright, like a guiding star. With a sword in one hand, and a goblet in the other, Rest well, noble lord, with sisters and brothers. (Chorus) To Earl Roderick, our leader so true, With his laughter and wit, we raise a toast to you. Gone from our sight, but in our hearts you'll stay, Forever cherished, in every knight's way.