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What We Had Was Ours

What We Had Was Ours
0:00 / 3:33

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What We Had Was Ours

[Verse] Didn't have a lot growing up, But our boots touched the ground. In a tiny, dusty little town, Where dreams never made a sound. [Verse 2] Hand-me-downs and borrowed shoes, But we wore 'em with pride. We'd run the fields, catch the moon, Underneath that endless sky. [Chorus] What we had was ours, every star, every scar, It made us who we are, gave us hearts that shine like stars. Through thick and thin, win or lose, Brothers, sisters, couldn't choose. But what we had was ours, oh, what we had was ours. [Verse 3] Mama's kitchen, homemade stew, Making do with what we had. Started fires with nothin' new, Love like that ain't ever bad. [Verse 4] Old guitar and borrowed tunes, Singing down by the creek. We'd lift our voices to the moon, And forget about the week. [Chorus] What we had was ours, every star, every scar, It made us who we are, gave us hearts that shine like stars. Through thick and thin, win or lose, Brothers, sisters, couldn't choose. But what we had was ours, oh, what we had was ours.