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i still remember when i first saw you when you had that beautiful smile on your face, and that was a beautiful view baby, i like your style you have beauty that everybody admires it was wo-worth to wait all i think is to date you but do you know what I'm going through? and now all i want is to undo my feelings for youu-uh cause i already knew that you'd never pursue but baby, baby you asked me outta the bule if i likes you back too all my friend said you might liked me back too yet i never thought it was true but I'm still stuck with youu like glue and i said "baby, babyyy they say love makes you crazy is that right? and you're just my type cause baby I'm already crazy for youu, and you can say that all i want is you" and baby is this true? if it's true then take my hand and let's run off from here let's make OUR home somewhere far from here so they can't judge us let's watch sunrises and sunsets al together and promise you won't leave even for after let's watch moon and do stargazing like they do in movies