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It’s driving me crazy It’s been three years I can’t get it out of my head We’re gonna have a party It will be insane and if they miss it They wish they were dead So tell everybody from the present and the past Make sure you tell grandma Or she will kick your ass The sunsets and it’s looking good Let’s have a party turn the music up Let’s have a party we never give up Let’s have a party. I love the way that you feel. All the people that we love are here let’s all hope we have a better year We’ve got birds and snakes and birthday cakes believe me we have it all Everybody’s been struggling hard even the dog can’t find his ball Where all bread tough here keep a smile on our face and our heads held high. Always praying that we stay in the race. We’ve done this before and will do it again Let’s have a party turn the music up Let’s have a party we never give up Let’s have a party. I love the way that you feel. All the people that we love are here let’s all hope we have a better year Let’s have a party turn the music up Let’s have a party we never give up Let’s have a party. I love the way that you feel. All the people that we love are here let’s all hope we have a better year