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Cayman's First Birthday

Cayman's First Birthday
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Cayman's First Birthday

[Verse] Out in the wild, fightin' flames every day, Cayman's got a heart of steel and a will that won't sway. In his small town, they all know his name, Bodybuilder by dawn, fire tamer by flame. [Verse 2] On this special day, we gather 'round, To celebrate Cayman's first year, making us proud. With muscles like mountains and courage like gold, He's a hero in blue jeans, a story to be told. [Chorus] Happy birthday, Cayman, raise a toast high, For the firefighter strong, and the bodybuilder guy. You tackle life's fires and lift the weight, Here's to the hero whose spirit won’t break. [Verse 3] From lifting heavy loads down at the old gym, To cutting firebreaks, limbs lookin' so trim, Every spark you douse, every weight you lift, Shows the world your heart's strongest gift. [Bridge] Dirt roads and red sunsets, through every scene, Sweat and honor glisten, in those eyes so keen. We watch your journey, as you grow and strive, In this dance of life, you make us all alive. [Chorus] Happy birthday, Cayman, raise a toast high, For the firefighter strong, and the bodybuilder guy. You tackle life's fires and lift the weight, Here's to the hero whose spirit won’t break.