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Plastic People

Plastic People
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Plastic People

[Verse] Driving down the neon road, reflections show their greed, Fast cars, big rings, and clothes, they think they fill a need. Country boy in plain old jeans, can't quite understand, Why they chase those empty dreams, straying from the land. [Verse 2] Hearts so cold and made of gold, bought with borrowed time, Fake smiles, scripted lies, just to reach the climb. Staring through the windowpane, I see the shallow side, Searching for their truth in vain, nothing left to hide. [Chorus] Why do they need the glitter, the gold and all the fame? Why can't they be just real and play life's honest game? Plastic people everywhere, why can't they just be free? They're climbing up a ladder, but it only leads to me. [Verse 3] Once a friend, now just a face, covered in disguise, Traded love for empty praise, sparkle in their eyes. Chasing lights that flicker fast, trading nights for day, In a world that just won't last, they will fade away. [Verse 4] Truth is found in simpler things, in love that don’t quite shine, In the songs the wild birds sing, and sips of homemade wine. Why live life like polished glass, afraid to show a crack? People change, and seasons pass, never turning back. [Chorus] Why do they need the glitter, the gold and all the fame? Why can't they be just real and play life's honest game? Plastic people everywhere, why can't they just be free? They're climbing up a ladder, but it only leads to me.