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Happy Birthday, My Love

Happy Birthday, My Love
0:00 / 2:22

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Happy Birthday, My Love

[Verse] The sun is shining bright today, And the skies are clear and blue. It's your special day, my love, And I've got something just for you. [Verse 2] We'll take a walk down old dirt roads, Hand in hand, just you and me. The birds are singing birthday songs, In perfect harmony. [Chorus] Happy birthday, my love, You're the light of my life. With every smile and every laugh, I'm so glad you're my wife/husband. [Verse 3] I've baked a cake with candles bright, And a wish for you to make. Here's to all the loving years, And the memories we'll create. [Verse 4] There's a sparkle in your eyes today, That sets my heart aflame. Together, we weather every storm, And celebrate every gain. [Chorus] Happy birthday, my love, You're the light of my life. With every smile and every laugh, I'm so glad you're my wife/husband.