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nord mead

nord mead
0:00 / 2:53

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nord mead

(Verse 1) In the frostbitten night, under whispers of old, Through the echoes of mountains, in the lands fierce and cold. Shadows dance in the glow of the firelight’s spread, Ancestors of valor, now spirits of dread. (Chorus) Raise the horns, with the thunder ahead, Sing the songs of the slain and the dead. From the mead-hall's heart, the elixir so sweet, Ages pass, still it's blood that we bleed – Nord mead! (Verse 2) Steel clashes in moonlight, a symphony of war, Brothers and sisters, from legends of yore. Gather 'round, and the saga unfolds, Where the brave live forever in tales proudly told. (Chorus) (Bridge) Oh, feel the chill of the icy breeze, As we toast to the gods, our souls at ease. In every drop, a story's seed, In the golden glow of the Nord mead. (Verse 3) Here's to the heroes, fallen and grand, Their spirits emboldened, with goblets in hand. In the heart of the winter, their memories soar, Fueled by the mead from the old Viking lore. (Chorus) (Outro) So we drink to the dusk, and we drink to the dawn, Legends never dying, their spirit lives on. With each sip from the chalice, where destiny's led, To the mighty and fallen, the Viking bloodshed. To Valhalla's gates with the brave and the true, Where the mead flows forever, and the skies are so blue! To the night and the stars, to the warrior's creed, Forever we'll cherish our mighty Nord mead.