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unity in the motherland

unity in the motherland
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unity in the motherland

Ooh, yeah ahaaa oo YB wagawan Africa Jah Blass Chant down Babylon, we stand hand in hand Unity in the Motherland, spreading love across the land Ethiopia, Eritrea, shining like the morning sun One love, one heart, let's come together as one From Somalia to Sudan, Kenya to Nigeria In South Africa, Uganda, and Malawi, let love flow Rwanda, Zimbabwe, and beyond Let peace reign, let us all respond No more fighting, no more hate It's time to rise up, it's not too late Brothers and sisters, let's embrace In the spirit of Bob Marley, let's create a better place So let's sing, let's dance, let's celebrate In the name of peace, let's elevate Unity in the Motherland, let love be our guide Together we can build a great Africa, side by side **Unity in the Motherland**, that's the song we sing With Bob Marley's spirit, let freedom ring For all the nations, for all the people One love, one Africa, let our unity be the steeple