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Our Anniversary Song

Our Anniversary Song
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Our Anniversary Song

[Verse] Swipe right under southern skies, Found love in your gentle eyes, Tindering through stars so bright, Now we’re together, feels so right. [Verse 2] Family get-togethers on Sunday morn’, Kids are laughing, futures sworn, Country tunes play, hearts are warn’d, One year down on love's great lawn. [Chorus] Ashleigh and Chedan, one year 'round, In each other's arms, love we’ve found, From Tennessee to Egypt’s sand, Hand in hand, in this promised land. [Verse 3] Egyptian sunsets, Nile’s embrace, Memories we’ll never replace, Camel rides, ancient grace, In every smile, I see your face. [Verse 4] Holiday lights glow in our home, You and me, we’re never alone, Heartbeats strong, no need to roam, In our love, we’ve fully grown. [Chorus] Ashleigh and Chedan, one year 'round, In each other's arms, love we’ve found, From Tennessee to Egypt’s sand, Hand in hand, in this promised land.