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Papi Spider's Hole-in-One

Papi Spider's Hole-in-One
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Papi Spider's Hole-in-One

[Verse] From the Texas plains, a legend rides the dawn, Papi Spider, swingin' clubs 'fore the break of dawn. With a brimmed hat low and a heart so bold, Made his way to California, the land of gold. [Verse 2] Out in Pebble Beach, by the ocean's roar, He stepped up to the tee, never done it before. Eyes of steel, muscles made of stone, Papi Spider knew he'd never walk alone. [Chorus] Oh, Papi Spider, the greatest of 'em all, From Texas to California, he answered the call. With a swing so sweet, like the setting sun, Knocked that little ball, made a hole-in-one. [Verse 3] Crowds gathered 'round, whispers turned to cheer, They'd never seen a man with courage so clear. Green and blue collided, nature's full display, Papi Spider stood triumphant on this fateful day. [Chorus] Oh, Papi Spider, the greatest of 'em all, From Texas to California, he answered the call. With a swing so sweet, like the setting sun, Knocked that little ball, made a hole-in-one. [Bridge] Legends are born on days just like these, When a man's strength comes with a soft breeze. Pebble Beach remembers, the tale forever spun, The day Papi Spider made his hole-in-one.