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The Fox's Delusion

The Fox's Delusion
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The Fox's Delusion

[Verse] Lil fox prancing, grand illusions in his mind, Flitting through the forest, thinks he reigns divine, Hides behind the trunks, I see through that veneer, In the shadow’s game, the truth drawin’ near. [Verse 2] Daydreams of crowns, cloak on his back, Running with the wind, deception on the track, Creepin' through the underbrush, eyes wide shut, A king without a throne, lost in his rut. [Chorus] In the kingdom of the trees, where shadows grow tall, A puppet on the strings, he’s bound to fall, Dreamin’ of a reign, surrounded by the night, In the end just another creature, fading out of sight. [Bridge] Moonlight whispers secrets through the leaves, A tale of vanity, and how it deceives, The crown he wears, an illusion in the dark, Reality’s fangs, waiting for the snark. [Verse 3] Night birds sing, echo his grand jest, A hollow fantasy, it’s all a test, Every footstep, a beat in the masquerade, Truth’s lurking, ready to invade. [Outro] Forest cloaks the dreams of a deluded soul, Fox lost in grand visions, digs his own hole, Reality hits, like a hunter in the night, No kingdom to inherit, just the cold twilight.