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Last Hunt in Grizzly Country

Last Hunt in Grizzly Country
0:00 / 2:14

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Last Hunt in Grizzly Country

[Verse] In the shadow of the Rockies, dawn breaks cold, With my bow and arrow, I trek through the fold, Tracks of a bull elk, majestic and fierce, In grizzly country, where life’s on the edge, near. [Verse 2] The pine trees whisper secrets from the night, As I move like a phantom, staying out of sight, Every step is careful, silent and slight, Blood pounding in rhythm to the morning light. [Chorus] In grizzly country, where the wild things roam, Battling the elements far from home, Seeking the throne of nature's song, But fate's a hunter, waiting all along. [Verse 3] I pull back the string, aim true and steady, That elk stands proud, his antlers lofty and ready, The arrow flies, silence breaks like dawn, Victory’s within reach, but danger’s on. [Verse 4] But the wilderness has eyes that never sleep, A grizzly's growl, rising from the deep, Golden fur and claws, fate’s cruel sweep, No time for fear, now its soul to keep. [Chorus] In grizzly country, where the wild things roam, Battling the elements far from home, Seeking the throne of nature's song, But fate's a hunter, waiting all along.