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Running Like the Wind

Running Like the Wind
0:00 / 2:17

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Running Like the Wind

[Verse] Tiny boots on, he's ready to go, Zoomin' through the yard with a face all aglow, Blonde hair flyin', eyes bright as the sky, A little tornado blowin' on by. [Verse 2] Mama's callin', "Slow down, little man!" But he's got no brakes; just catching his span, From the porch to the barn and 'round the old tree, A pint-sized whirlwind, wild and free. [Chorus] He's runnin' like the wind, can't nobody slow him down, Laughin' like a river as he tears up this town, Livin' for the race, feet barely touchin' ground, He's a little force of nature, a toddler posin' proud. [Verse 3] Out on the farm, there's just so much to explore, From chickens in the coop to grandpa's shed door, Every corner's an adventure, every step a new quest, Innocence and energy, he's givin' it his best. [Verse 4] Sun’s gettin' low, but that boy's still flyin', Brushin' off the dust, there ain't no denyin', Kisses from the wind and the scent of fresh hay, He's a blur of laughter at the end of the day. [Chorus] He's runnin' like the wind, can't nobody slow him down, Laughin' like a river as he tears up this town, Livin' for the race, feet barely touchin' ground, He's a little force of nature, a toddler posin' proud.