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learning is everywhere!

learning is everywhere!
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learning is everywhere!

One, two, three, four, five, Let’s count and feel alive! Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Now let’s count them all again! Learning, learning, it’s all around, In every word and every sound! With numbers, letters, science too, There’s so much we can do! A is for apple, B is for bear, C is for cat, there’s learning everywhere! D is for dog, E is for egg, Let’s name the letters from A to Z! Learning, learning, it’s all around, In every word and every sound! With numbers, letters, science too, There’s so much we can do! Circle is round, square has four sides, Triangles have points where angles hide! Red, yellow, blue, and green, Colors make the world bright and clean! Learning, learning, it’s all around, In every word and every sound! With numbers, letters, science too, There’s so much we can do! Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too, Wednesday, Thursday, lots to do! Friday comes and Saturday’s here, Seven days make up a week, let’s cheer! Learning, learning, it’s all around, In every word and every sound! With numbers, letters, science too, There’s so much we can do! Winter is cold, snowflakes fall, Spring brings flowers, nature calls! Summer is hot, sunshine bright, Fall leaves drop, colors in sight! Learning, learning, it’s all around, In every word and every sound! With numbers, letters, science too, There’s so much we can do! The sun is a star, shining bright, The moon reflects the sun’s great light! Plants need water, air, and sun, Science shows us how it’s done! Learning, learning, it’s all around, In every word and every sound! With numbers, letters, science too, There’s so much we can do! We’ve learned so much, but there’s more to know, From the earth below to the stars that glow! Come back soon, we’ll sing and play, Learning new things every day!