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[Verse] Jake Hull a tree surgeon strong and free Climbing high up every tall tree Loves his fitness hiking mountains tall With his dog Poppy they conquer all [Verse 2] Drives a black Yeti through the winding road With Poppy beside him what a load Chainsaw ready he's the forest king Every tree he climbs makes the woods sing [Chorus] Oh Jake Hull he's the man With an axe and a sturdy hand Up the mountains they'll roam In the Yeti they call home [Verse 3] Sunrise morning start the day right Running trails until the night Poppy's bark echoing through the pines Together they sparkle like the stars that shine [Verse 4] In the amber glow of evening's light Fitness and nature merge so tight With every chop and climb he feels alive On this ride they will thrive [Chorus] Oh Jake Hull he's the man With an axe and a sturdy hand Up the mountains they'll roam In the Yeti they call home