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Family Love

Family Love
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Family Love

[Verse] In a house built on dreams and tender nights, We'd sit ‘round the porch, counting fireflies. Grandma's laugh, it lit up the skies, And love was baked in every homemade pie. [Verse 2] Dad's old guitar strummed our lullabies, Mom's soft whispers wiped tearful eyes. Brothers and sisters, we’d chase fireflies, Love was the glue in our simple lives. [Chorus] Oh, family love, it’s a sweet refrain, Running through our hearts like a timeless chain. Through ups and downs, joy and pain, In every moment, love would always remain. [Verse 3] Sunday mornings, church bells rang, We'd hold hands and sing the hymns. Picnics in the park, we'd spread the blanket wide, In every smile, cherished memories abide. [Verse 4] When life tugged hard, we'd stand side by side, Holding tight, we'd face the rising tide. Through the storm and rain, we'd never hide, In each other's arms, love would be our guide. [Chorus] Oh, family love, it’s a sweet refrain, Running through our hearts like a timeless chain. Through ups and downs, joy and pain, In every moment, love would always remain.