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Verse 1: In a house with walls that echo pain Mother Garnet, with a mind so strained Bipolar and narcissistic too Her scars from childhood, they shine through Chorus: Growing up in a house of fear Stepfather Paul, so kind and dear He took us fishing, camping too But his demons came out when the liquor flew Verse 2: Lazy mother, on welfare we relied Sister Michele, by my side Stepbrother Kevin, sisters Squeak and Paul In a home where love was small Chorus: Growing up in a house of fear Stepfather Paul, so kind and dear He took us fishing, camping too But his demons came out when the liquor flew Bridge: I hid in books, to escape the pain Emotionally stunted, in my young brain But I rose above, joined the Marine Corps A combat veteran, in Desert Storm Chorus: Growing up in a house of fear Stepfather Paul, so kind and dear He took us fishing, camping too But his demons came out when the liquor flew Outro: The memories of childhood, they linger still The violence, the fear, it's a bitter pill But I'll rise above, I'll break the chains And find peace in the midst of the pain