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so long, district 9

so long, district 9
0:00 / 2:41

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so long, district 9

Verse 1: so long, District 9, so long, District 9. death near's as the train enters, the capital. people will say they're goodbyes, and the tears will flow, and the words of encouragement for their loved ones. I will take your advice and when Lana's gun fires, I will run for the Hills. so long, District 9. I've been on this Earth for only 19 years but yet, I come to show you how I die. I'll fight with a weapon in the arena, and I'll sing my song to you. but I would much rather sing it to my baby, to my firstborn daughter. Verse 2: but how could I, the end is near. so long, District 9. I fear, my time is very limited. promise to remember me as I was, still very young and wild. when it's all done and over, remember that I loved you. though I will be shipped back to you in a casket, and you have to put me Six Feet Under, I would need no flowers baby, please just tell me that you love me. Verse 3: and you like my pretty green gown, I'll show some more. and you like my voice, I'll sing you a little more. my lullaby is now in your possession. you'll have to only miss me when I am gone. you will remember me, Patrick, you will remember me. but I will be long lost gone. but yet, still in love with you.