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be your best, listen well, when we list

be your best, listen well, when we list
0:00 / 3:16

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be your best, listen well, when we list

"When you’re playing with your friends, Kindness is the trend that never ends! Share your toys, take turns too, That’s what kind kids always do!" "Can you pretend to share a toy? Great job, you’re being kind!" "Be your best, be kind today, Share and care in every way! Kindness makes the world so bright, Let’s be kind with all our might!" "When it’s time to learn and play, We listen closely to what others say. Eyes on the speaker, ears wide open, That’s how we learn, and it’s no jokin’!" "Can you cup your ears like you’re listening? Awesome! You’re ready to learn!" "Be your best, listen well, When we listen, stories tell! Learning is fun, so let’s take our turn, Listening helps us all to learn!" "‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ are magic words, They make us feel like flying birds! Manners matter, they’re so cool, They show respect, it’s a golden rule!" "Let’s say ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’! Wow, you’ve got great manners!" "Be your best, use magic words, ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ fly like birds! Manners show we care each day, Good behavior leads the way!" "Helping hands make work so light, When we help, we feel just right! Pick up toys, tidy your room, Helping brings a joyful tune!" "Can you pretend to pick up your toys? Look at you, being so helpful!" "Be your best, lend a hand, Helping others is just so grand! When we help, we shine so bright, Good behavior feels just right!" "Kindness, listening, manners too, Helping hands in all we do! Every day, we do our best, Good behavior passes the test!" "Be your best, every day, Good behavior shows the way! With kindness, manners, and helping too, The world’s a better place thanks to you!" "Thanks for singing along, everyone! Remember, being kind, listening, using manners, and helping out are all ways to be your best. Keep it up, and see you next time for more fun and learning!"