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Happy Birthday to My Little Pookie

Happy Birthday to My Little Pookie
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Happy Birthday to My Little Pookie

[Verse 1] Well, the sun came up in the Tennessee sky, Another year has passed us by, Baked a cake and lit the candles bright, Gonna celebrate your life tonight. [Verse 2] In the small-town diner where we first met, Sweet tea dreams I won’t forget, Got a card that I wrote by hand, Oh, my love, you’re my favorite plan. [Chorus] Happy birthday to my little Pookie, You light up my world, you’re all I see, Another year, more memories to make, We’ll dance till dawn by the old lake. [Verse 3] Played our song on the jukebox low, Your laughter, more beautiful than I know, Picked some wildflowers by the roadside, For you, my heart, there’s nothing I’d hide. [Verse 4] Wrapped in blankets, just us two, Under the stars, it's just me and you, Friends and family gather near, To spread the love for another year. [Chorus] Happy birthday to my little Pookie, You light up my world, you’re all I see, Another year, more memories to make, We’ll dance till dawn by the old lake.