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Australia's Sunburnt Country

Australia's Sunburnt Country
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Australia's Sunburnt Country

[Verse] Red dust swirling in the Queensland breeze, Gum trees dancing, whispering to the seas, Kangaroos are bounding, freedom's in their stride, In Australia's outback, where the wild hearts ride. [Verse 2] Wattle blossoms bloom beneath the southern sky, Eucalyptus perfume, makes the spirit fly, Billabongs are sparkling in the noonday heat, In the Sunburnt Country, where the earth and sky meet. [Chorus] We're living in Australia's sunburnt land, Where the heart beats strong, and the dreams expand, From the coastal cities to the desert sand, We're singing songs of freedom, hand in hand. [Verse 3] Out on the station, where the cattle roam, Life is rugged, but this land's our home, Stockmen riding hard, under the endless blue, In the heart of Down Under, where the pride shines through. [Verse 4] Koalas in the gum trees, taking their sweet time, Platypus in rivers, nature’s perfect rhyme, Coral reefs are glowing, life beneath the waves, In this great wide country, where nature's beauty saves. [Bridge] From the bushfires' rage to the summer rains, We stand together, through the joys and pains, With a spirit unbroken, we take our stand, Protecting the legacy of this ancient land.