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Verse 1 (21 bars): In the mirror, I see my enemy Staring back, challenging me To a duel that never ends, we Circle each other endlessly Mind versus heart, a fierce melee Of doubts and dreams, I can see The battle lines drawn internally Logic fights feeling, desperately Trying to find harmony In this chaos, constantly At war with myself, mentally Exhausted from the scrutiny Of every thought, physically Drained from the intensity Of self-judgment, emotionally Scarred from the brutality Of inner criticism, we Keep fighting, relentlessly Tearing ourselves apart, we Can't seem to find unity In this ongoing battle with me, myself, and I Chorus (10 bars): Ongoing battle, mind against heart Tearing my very self apart Every day a brand new start To the war within, I can't outsmart Myself, can't seem to part With old habits, can't restart A peaceful mind, can't impart Kindness to myself, can't outsmart My own demons, this ongoing battle With myself, will it ever part? Verse 2 (21 bars): One step forward, two steps back In this dance with myself, I lack The grace to move on, I track Every mistake, keep a stack Of regrets close by, I hack At my own potential, I lack The courage to let go, I stack Odds against myself, I track Every flaw, refusing to slack In self-criticism, I lack Compassion for myself, I stack Impossible standards, I track My failures closely, I lack The wisdom to see, I stack Pain upon pain, I track My descent, refusing to slack In this self-destruction, I lack The strength to stop, I stack More weight on weary shoulders, I track This downward spiral, I lack The key to end this battle with myself (Repeat Chorus